Why You Should Store Business Items off Site

business, papers, documents

Business storage is something that many small and large business operations struggle with. This is especially prevalent with businesses that hold a high number of inventory items. We can’t all be Amazon with their massive warehouses and robots. So let’s take a practical approach to business storage. There are many reasons to store off-site, but here are the most important ones.

Why Store Business Items off Site

Storing off-site makes a lot of sense, especially when it comes to security.


Trying to store all the items that your business has on location is asking for an organization headache. You need to differentiate where certain items are stored. For example, your records, employee files, last year’s invoice etc. should be stored off-site. Not only is it more secure to do so, but it also takes up less “working” space in your business. At Security Mini Storage, we offer great Archive Storage for just this purpose.


The problems that come when your documents and other valuable business items are stolen are huge. Retail businesses are prone to break in’s and robberies as most of the day anyone can walk in. At a self storage facility, it’s much more secure, with access only available to tenants, 24/7 monitoring and strong locks. Don’t take the risk, store anything valuable you do not need day to day with North Shore Mini Storage.

Item Longevity

Some business items that you have require more attention than others. Especially those that are susceptible to this North Vancouver summer heat. Your business may have some form of climate control setup inside, but if it breaks during the night, it could ruin all those items. Your best bet are climate controlled storage units, not only is the climate monitored 24/7, you can buy storage insurance in case something happens.

It’s clear to us why you should store business items off-site. Now it’s up to you to make the call. To inquire about business storage, contact us today.


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